Core concepts and definitions

In order to use the API, it’s important to understand some concepts and naming conventions in the API.

  • symbol - sometimes referred to as “partition symbol”. This is a textual grouping symbol representing a group of e-register instances: a town, a county or a part of them. The symbol is present in the e-register website URL:<symbol>

  • code - or “school code” - a code representing a single school or few grouped (in an unit) school buildings. Often in the form of 001234, sometimes also containing alphabet characters. Present in the URL:<symbol>/<code>

  • Unit - a group of schools, sharing a similar name. May contain only one school.

  • School - a part of a unit.

  • Keystore - login data for an instance of the API. Might be tied (registered) to multiple accounts.

  • Account - an account from a single symbol, containing one or more students, accessed using a corresponding keystore.

  • Student - a person, school attendant.