Account registration

It is now necessary to register the previously created Keystore in the e-register, in order to get access to the Account’s data.

The Token, Symbol and PIN need to be obtained from the Vulcan e-register student/parent panel (in the “Mobile access/Dostęp mobilny” tab):

from vulcan import Account

account = Account.register(keystore, token, symbol, pin)

Just as for the keystore, it’s recommended to save the account credentials for later usage:

with open("account.json", "w") as f:
    # use one of the options below:
    # write a formatted JSON representation
    # dump a dictionary as JSON to file (needs `json` import)
    json.dump(account.as_dict, f)

An account may be loaded back as follows:

with open("account.json") as f:
    # use one of the options below:
    # load from a file-like object
    account = Account.load(f)
    # load from a JSON string
    account = Account.load(
    # load from a dictionary (needs `json` import)
    account = Account.load(json.load(f))

You are now ready to use the API. The keystore and account registration is a one-time step.